Why The Real Men Stood to be Reckoned with

EP McKnight, MEd
6 min readAug 13, 2019

We are our brothers and sisters keeper! When you are driven to do something, that means it’s your time to bring about change and it must be done! Many are called but few are chosen! A voice is a voice is a voice and a heard voice is the best voice.

Colin Kaepernick, LeBron James & Alejandro Bedoya heroes of the sports field used their platform to shed light on injustice in this country.

These types of stances are not new and always needed in a country that suffers bigotry, hatred, racism and suppression against people of color and the poor.

While Kaepernick never said a word but knelled in silence during the singing of the National Anthem, his actions spoke volume to this very day. He became the sacrificial lamb for standing up for what is right and denouncing many wrongs and racism.

I saw racism first hand as a young girl growing up in Mississippi. I saw how so many blacks were killed and mistreated for being black. I watched how my dad had to react in a racist Jim crow system that would rather shoot a black man than talk to him. My father learned the game and played it to our advantage. Like these athletes, my father took a stand but with caution in his time.



EP McKnight, MEd

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight