What does the Bible say about Coffee?!

According to an article in the LA Times, this morning “Brewing Up A Longer Life”. Well this really got me going, especially since I don’t drink coffee and have a desire to live a long life.
My dilemma, do I drink coffee and live or not, and die?
The newest and the latest is drink coffee to lower the risk of early death and ditto for decaf. 2017, you want to live longer drink up. Researches spend a lot of money to share this profound current day reality. It’s amazing how over the years things change back and forth and then again. I had heard coffee wasn’t the best drink sometime ago and now it is. The flavor of the day changes so much it’s hard to keep up with what flavor to take part in.
Having done a little investigation of my own here are a few side effects of drinking caffeine and decaffeinated coffee. Coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate, and other side effects. Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, and irregular heartbeats.
Coffee drinkers may find that they can drink regular coffee but not decaf because of the higher acidity in decaf coffee. Too much acidity causes health problems that include heartburn, ulcers, inflammatory bowel conditions, osteoporosis, and urinary tract inflammations.
Now having shared these two choices of coffee with you, you must do your math. One says you will live longer and other I guess shorten your life but with all the side effects from both you are doomed so I guess you might as well consume what you like because either way you will reek havoc on your body.
Perhaps the bible is a solid source to extract from. So I research the bible to see what God says about coffee. Couldn’t find one verse in the bible that encouraged you to drink coffee, not even the mention of the word. There are at least one hundred and seventy plus verses in the Bible about water. Also, it defines the essence of water.
Water symbolizes Gods Word in many places throughout the Bible. In both Psalms and Ephesians water is a symbols of God’s word. Ephesians 5:26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word. In Isaiah the water is a simile for the knowledge of God.
Water not only sustains our bodies and communities, but also is an integral part of our spiritual lives. The Bible is rich with images of water that symbolize new life, cleansing, and the fulfillment of God’s promises.
You’d think since the body is roughly 80–90% water, that drinking it will give you longer life even over coffee. I mean this is like adding water to your car’s oil compartment. Will your car run properly? Yes, for a half a second and then all hell breaks loose. Same with the body, all coffee and no water will make you a sick person, literally. Also, not only does the body needs water more than coffee to live but exercise is a key proponent in longevity.
Even the bible speaks of movement and keep the body in motion via work, living, etc. Even a little movement goes a long way. Check out MinuteLessWorkout and with consistency and commitment the results are eminent and longevity will be on your calendar.
Below are a few workouts from my YouTube channel which has over four hundred videos for all levels. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCybRr-FxDOpzK1o6e6RnO3g Subscribe for daily updates.