The Longest Stroke-Dementia Road To Somewhere Journal

EP McKnight, MEd
6 min readJan 6, 2019

January 4, 2019 Friday — “Return of the Attacker” — the storm within!

Returned from the gym about 4:30AM and started to work. Mother awoke at 5:15AM, watching her on the baby monitor I encouraged her to go back to sleep, the first time and second time, she went back to sleep but the third, she refused to go back to sleep and mumbled something. Entered her bedroom to surmise the issue. She asked me if I knew Charles and I said yes, as I told her to go back to sleep, it’s night time. Showed her how dark it was outside. Against she asked do you know Charles and I said yes, he’s my brother and I am your daughter Nora and I will take care of you. She responded, you’re my daughter and I said yes, go back to sleep and she complied. Back to my work, I flew.

Thirty minutes later, she awoke, had breakfast, bathe, got dressed and had physical and speech therapy with me. Had been given a new task for her speech, wasn’t sure how Mother would respond. She resisted but continued. No plans for today, so we enjoyed television together. While sitting on the sofa, I instructed Mother how to tie her shoe and she did it eventually. Sitting on the sofa and falling asleep so early in the morning, I decided to go shopping, just to get out of the house. Stayed long enough to feel the experience.

Upon returning home, made Mother a quick lunch snack. Again, while sitting on the sofa, found myself falling asleep again. Getting up at 3:00 AM, catches up with you sooner or later. I gave in too…



EP McKnight, MEd

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,