“ Be The Change The World Needs!!”

EP McKnight, MEd
8 min readFeb 12, 2019

“It truly takes a village to make a difference!!

Substitute Teacher

There are many teachers across the Country substituting for one reason or another on all levels across the educational arena. Some are retired teachers, aspiring artists, business professionals, engineers and specific career related, i.e. mathematicians, scientist, doctors, etc.

Many years ago, in the not too distant past, many schools were void of teachers from various discipline and requested professionals from various background to apply and were hired. Some were full time, part time, substitutes and a few volunteers. Once that quota was obtained, the hiring door was closed.

I have been a substitute elementary teacher for almost twenty years. It all begun with a recommendation from a fellow actor, Tommy Hicks. While performing a stage play i North Hollywood, it was suggested to me that I had the best credentials, MS. Educational Psychologist, to become a substitute teacher. Of course, with an already busy schedule, I immediately dismissed the idea. But as fate would have it, the thought nagged at my psychic until I at least conferred with another, who agreed that I should at least check it out. To appease both parties, I set my plan in motion for the taking of the CBEST test and the rest was history. It turned out to be more rewarding that I had thought. The children were like…



EP McKnight, MEd

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight