Member-only story
How to Quit being a Jerk, Succeed!
“Part of being an adult is learning to take responsibility for your successes and for your failures.”
What do you do when someone doesn’t meet your expectations? We often blame them and is disappointed but whose fault is this it really for our unhappiness? A lot of us operate with the assumption, “When in doubt, it must be someone else’s fault.” Is this accurate or the real truth? These assumptions are made in our everyday life, something is missing, someone’s else misplaced, something is broken, someone’s else broke it, the car isn’t working the mechanics did a bad job, your clothes don’t fit, something is wrong with the clothes, the house is mess, someone didn’t clean their part, a project is late, someone didn’t do their part, and on and one we can go with these assumptions. They can be endless if you live like this and permit them to take up residency in your space.
“Discontent, blaming, complaining, self-pity cannot serve as a foundation for a good future, no matter how much effort you make.”
This type of constant blaming thinking is more common than ever nowadays. Look around you, on television, on your job, church, schools, communities, political arena, and just about everywhere no one wants to take responsibility for their own action. This conduct is very similar if not identical to the blame game. Most often it is so easy to…