Member-only story
How to Live on Purpose, Till death do you part!!
“Learn like you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow!”
“Let your life be a reason for others to LIVE.” “I feel the reason we are all here, our purpose of being, is to help others find their little piece of happiness and heaven right here on earth.”
Nobody knows when death will knock. Could be sixty years, fifty, forty, thirty, ten, five, a week, or day or today. As sure as you are born you will die,no one escapes. No one can tell you when that day will happen because no one knows. Birth can be predicted but not death, no matter what the situation. Illness, accidents or natural causes of death just happen when they are suppose to happen. Nothing can predict that moment. Near death illness and accidents are sometimes usurped by miracles. I often wondered what are the last thoughts are a person before there demised. Did they tell a love one they love them, or right a wrong? Did they live well and on purpose? Did they love well? Did they do the right thing toward another? Did they call that special someone? Did they make time for a neighbor? Did they make time for parents, friends, children, and a significant other? Life is comprised of unfinished business. In death the only thing that is certain is that there will always be some unfinished business, something in your “in basket” that required your attention.