How to be You for Real!! Everybody else is taken!
- Know thyself — In order to live a life of freedom, you must know who you really are, where you came from, where you are going to, what you like, what you dislike, your hobbies, your passions, your values, your needs and wants , your ethics and backgrounds. It’s even important to know who likes and/or accepts you and who you do the same. Knowing these elements give you a good beginning insight into discovering and uncovering the real you that may be some what dormant at the moment. Time to wake up the sleeping giant for tomorrows are getting less and less!
- Discover Your best talent — Life has it’s ups and downs and some days are harder to move on that others but if you have a passion for something you like to do this passion will feed your spirit like medicine to the body. When the body says, “no I can’t, I don’t want too” the spirit will override with “but I love to do this, it’s makes me feel alive” and once you listen to the passion you are up and going. If you don’t know what your passion is, look at that one thing that you do well with little effort. Once acknowledge, do it and watch how much unfolds effortlessly — doors will open, opportunities will come and much more.
3. Learn the good and bad of your personality — We have have characteristics that we don’t like about ourselves and that’s okay. First accept that not so likable part of you, then change it too some more likable for you. If you can’t change readily then modify little by little and over a period of time, evolution will happen. What will be will be, just do what you can for your betterment and how you affect others.
4. Monitor what many say about you — Finding your truth is usually from within your gut but if you haven’t trained your spirit, you may not adhere too it. Trusted sources of friends, family and associates are a solid method of learning how others perceive you. Once many of them concur the same characteristics of you, then this assessment is a true form of what you are putting out in the universe on purpose of otherwise. If the feedback is not of your liking, that is a good thing. Now, you know what needs to be modified. One’s perception of themselves and others can often be clouded therefore confirm that these observations are from trusted sources.
5. Embrace your past for a better present — Often time you may have a difficult time letting go of your past but it you don’t it will ride you into eternity like a monkey on your back. Everyone has baggage from the day you are born. The question is, “When do you admit and release your baggage before it derails you?” Again accept your past for what it is, compartmentalize it and if necessary bury it, to move on. Any shackle can be a hindrance. Discover, acknowledge, release, bury and soar into your present. The past is gone and today is here, so allow yourself to live in the moment as much as possible and over thirty days it will become a habit and there you are!!!