“Dieting Don’t Pay Dividends!!”
In terms of weight distribution, people can be categorized as apples or pears. Women mostly collect fact in their hips and buttocks, giving them a pair shape. Men generally collect weight around their bellies, giving them more of an apple shape.
We can’t help how we are shaped but we can control the amount of fat settling in the buttocks and/or the stomach. Fat is dangerous for the entire body in so many ways. If you don’t burn it, you earn it.
Many resort to diets looking for short term results that will not carry over to the long term of good health. Better to eliminate excess weight gradually and sustain it over a lifetime than to eliminate quickly only to regain it back and more.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live!”
When do we ever learn that diets do not work. Every year there are more and more diet books, videos, articles on how to diet to achieve quick weight loss. Many people swear by them, especially after they loose a few pounds, only to discover down the road the weight creeps back on them before they realize it.
A study finds that 1 in 2 adults have tried to loose wight in the last year. Not only adults are being affected but teenagers alike. Television, videos, ads and word of mouth get us to believe that this is the way to shed those unwanted pounds.
Dieting has become the new normal and the road seem to be endless. Everyday there is something new on the market that will guarantee weight loss. Ask people you encounter have they tried a diet weigh loss solution or know someone who has tried a diet regimen. According to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention claims at least one person have tried a plan or know someone who has tried a weight loss diet plan.
“If you’re tired of starting over stop giving up!”
Statistics show that from 2013 to 2016 that 49.1% of Americans ages 20 and older have tried to shed pounds in the previous 12 months. Also, years back the story just repeats itself over and over. Generations thru generations show that dieting seem to be the easy and most accessible way to shed pounds.
When do we learn the truth about dieting or diet quick plans. I have seen many who have wrecked their biological anatomy with quick diets. The body is not meant to function like a yoyo, up and down. Even a yoyo wears out from usage over a period of time. This is shocking your system to do something it is not designed to do.
Men and women alike are trying to shed pounds instantly. Women are higher than men. 56.4% is women and 41.7# is men. Age wise, older adults (40's & 50’s) seem to diet more than younger adults. Nevertheless, women on the norm diet more than men. Race and ethnicity mattered less. A total of 49% white men and women, 48% black adults, Asians 41% and 49% Latino adults. Note the difference isn’t significance.
“Be stronger than your excuses!”
Exactly two-thirds of obese adults in the last year had gone on some sort of diet plan. Even normal weight adults or underweight had tried to slim down on a diet plan.
Study shows that people with more money tend to watch their weight more than not. Often wealthier individual eat more healthy as a rule but there are yet some who are wealthy and will go to extreme measure to loose weight quickly.
The key to weight loss begins in the mind while embracing healthy eating, a good attitude and exercising fitness. These three options should become a lifestyle and not a quick fix. Everyday should be predicated on having a good attitude and gratitude.
“What you eat in private you wear in public!”
Balance is the key and will prove to have more longevity than any quick loss weight plan. Three times a week some physical activity and healthy eating minus refine carbs is obtainable by the average individual.
Fitness include walking, running, jogging, dancing, and/or exercising at home or in a gym. The key is consistency. Also, note that cardio burns fat. This is where your running, jogging, dancing, etc comes in. You must also build muscles and this is done with weight training. Weights build muscles and cardio does not.
Can’t make it to the gym due to work, travel, etc, Fitness-Gym-In-A-Bag is perfect for you and will allow you to workout at your own pace when and wherever you choose. Diet no, lifestyle change, yes!!!
See: https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&ar=1&video_id=yZzKX9LzmqI