Deal with Your low mood, before It Deals with You

EP McKnight, MEd
4 min readApr 23, 2019

Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life.

Moods can be very deceptive, even though they are your own and feel very real. While low moods are real, they are able to trick you into believing that life is far worse than it actually is. Think about it. When you think about it, life is often affected and lived out according to our moods. When you’re in a good mood, life looks great and you feel there is no stopping you. Your perspective is brighter, common sense and wisdom are paramount. When you’re in a good mood, life seem to float along, things don’t look insurmountable, problems are solvable. Likewise, relationships flow and communication is effortless. Even when you are criticized, it is taken in stride and not to heart.

Quite the contrary happens with a bad mood. Life looks like it is doomed and very difficult to get your stride going as desired or navigate. Perspective on all things are dimmed and negative. Problems seem to defeat and are unsolvable at the moment. In this state of mind it is easy to take things personal and misinterpret the actions of others around you. In this state, misreading all that happens prevents you from seeing reality and dealing with it as such.



EP McKnight, MEd

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,