Bullying to be bullied!

EP McKnight, MEd
4 min readApr 1, 2017

Bullying has been around for ages, in the early stages of civilization and even early as the beginning of time with Adam and Eve. According to the Bible, Eve was bullied by a serpent into eating an apple from the tree of knowledge. She was goaded and prodded to do what she was advised not to do.

So as you see bullying has been around for a very long time and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere but with each generation appears to be getting more horrific oftentimes resulting in death of bullied individual.

See most recent via La Times April 3, 2017: https://www.pressreader.com/usa/los-angeles-times/20170403/281629600116336

What is bullying? Perhaps if the bullies knew this definition, perhaps they would repent from their ways of degradation and seek solace for their soul, spirit and mind which is out of sync. Note, a happy person never harms another but unhappiness wreaks more unhappiness!

What is Bullying

Aggressive behavior may be bullying depending on what happened, how often it happens and who it happens to. … Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children and adults that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. … Bullying includes actions such as making threats of sorts, taunting, surpressing, etc.

Not only are the young engaging in bullying but adults alike from all cultures and worldwide. Bullying has become an epidemic and has caused much pain in many societies where bullying is paramount. In the sports arena, parents taking the task each other, in competition, it’s prevalent, churches, schools, road rage, Stage moms, gangs, politicians, jails, police stations, and the list is endless. Online bullying has become a major issue and often videotaped. Even parents are bullying children and children are bullying parents.

Bullying has resulted in suicide, murder, physical harm and emotional harm. It can be found in schools, home, communities, churches, private entities, employment and politics. I have never in all my years experienced bullying being so prevalent in politics but due to the age of technology has made it all readily available. I’m sure it was happening in the past but today is at record high and worst yet, acceptable by many, young and old.

Bullying to be bullied bully disregards and dismisses the Laws of Karma and Reciprocity. Dismissing maybe, but escaping is impossible. Karma does not discriminate. The murderer of the three Civil Rights Activists, karma many years later incarcerated an eighty year old Mississippi man. Alike, George Wallace, an Alabama Governor, turned dogs and water hoses on Civil Rights Activists blocking them from entering an Alabama University. Karma came with a bullet and he was paralyzed and recanted of his ways sometime later.

Bullies are in pain and have insecurities wearing a mask of denial but life has a way of unmasking even the most clever bully. Mother Nature and Father Time cannot be stopped. They will appear an remove one’s mask right before their very eyes and the bully can’t do a thing about it.

If you are a bully and reading this, “change or your days are numbered to be a bully and you may not like the results.” This is my two cents of help. Help is only help when needed.

One may run from the past, but you can’t escape it. As one run, it runs alongside you, as you sleep, there it is, as you bully, inadequacy lurking within, all lurking behind a mask that the world may or may not see.

Back in my day, bullying appeared in the form of teasing and joking about one’s persona somehow. While this was psychological and emotionally harmful but today bullying has increase 200% and often can result in death.

On the news yesterday, a convicted mercy killer nurse, first killed for mercy and then for pleasure. This is a form of bullying the defenseless. Bullying is on every level in life, white collar and blue collar, all ages, gender, ethnicity and cultures.

Sometimes, therapy, counseling and even exercising could be an outlet to release all the pain that lurks inside a bully. Look at the jailed inmates and how they all get into exercising. It is a great tool to release stress, etc.

MinuteLessWorkout is a great outlet to release stress and is time friendly. Attached are five workouts that will affect you physically and mentally with commitment, consistency and continuity. Always remember to just do you!

For additional motivation:

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EP McKnight, MEd

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight