Member-only story
Big fish in a small pond/Small fish in a big pond?
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” Eleanor Roosevelt.
Often as we build our lives toward a desired goal, we either find that we are in one or the other of the two ponds, big or little. There’s no straddling the ponds possible. A good way to judge if you are where you suppose to be is when your learning or growth has increasing or has plateaued or stagnated while others are feeding on your knowledge and all that you have to offer. You need a bigger pond to grow. Being in a bigger pond you will be able to expand your horizon and improve your status in life, if so desired. Quite the opposite is true is when you’re in a little pond. This little pond would suck the life right out of you without you knowing it. Keep in mind, everything comes with its pros and cons for a season and a reason.
Getting in the bigger pond in the beginning will force you to go through growing pains, your learning curve. This could be a bit challenging at first, but in the long run you ‘d be better equipped having survived and stretched to new level.
Also, one must keep an account of purpose of the big or little pond. Perhaps, some enjoy the comfort of big fish, little pond or little fish, big pond. Your pond may be to move up the ladder, gain knowledge to improve your plight and accomplish a goal or just to become a better version of you. Then a bigger pond should be your pond…