How to make life be, let it be!
Everyday that one wakes up, life presents battles of some sort. This is just the way it is. There’s nothing one can do about this and no one is immune. Get over the idea, that it’s only you. No, if you are alive and reading this article it includes you and everyone you know. Yes, some challenges are more drastic than others but nonetheless it is still a challenge. Here’s recent story that I would like to share with you regarding this person.
Recently, this person had surgery which cause them to be absent from work for approximately two months to ensure that all was completed healed and was able to return to work. After the six week, this person gets a call inquiring how much longer is needed before returning to work. They responded maybe a few more days but she coerced the employee to return to work sooner and so all was agreed.
Fast forward, the employee returned to work and all seem well for an extended period of time until the employee goes home and discover that there is a rupture in the skin. This employee contact her doctor’s office and was instructed to come in as soon as possible. Well, this employee wondered if this rupture was due to returning to work too soon.
After the visit with the doctor, this employee was informed that a procedure had to be done that day and it was. Also, was informed that another surgery will be required once that area heals to restructure the damage that was left as a result of this rupture.
Flashback. The employee felt like they returned to work too soon and made a note not to do that again. Meaning, never put yourself in unnecessary danger under the coercion of another.
As you can see, things happen all the time, some caused by our decisions and actions or by other decisions or actions. Either way, life will always present highs and lows. It is a good rule of thumb to enjoy the highs every time because just around the corner are the lows. They are inevitable.
One thing that is within each our control is how we react and deal with these highs and lows. Note these highs and lows come to teach a lesson that is needed and once the lesson is learned,this will never happen in the same manner again. Always strive to learn the lessons and note there are tons more lesson lurking in the wings.
Accepting this mere fact is a good gauge to not allow any situation to devastate to a bad state but recognize that this moment will pass and stay the course. Remember, don’t sweat the small stuff because it’s all small stuff.
If you are having a bad day, remember you are not the only one and seek out others that you trust if you need solace. Another anecdote, write your feeling down will free your spirit to see clearly.
In conclusion, nothing is bad or good for ever, this too shall pass. See the change you desire and it will eventually come to pass. Stay tune for more motivation.
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